language teaching evaluation

  • Introduction to Language Teaching Evaluation
  • Issues on Language Evaluation
  • Mengidentifikasi perbedaan antara evaluasi, penilaian dan pengetesan serta peranan penilaian dalam pembelajaran.
  • Prosedure Penilaian
  • Penilaian Otentik
  • Type of Instruments
  • Instrument Non test
  • Penilaian Berbasis Kelas
  • Pengukuran Afektif, Kognitif dan Psikomotorik
  • Domain Measurement and analysis of instrument
  • Classroom Based Ass.
  • Evaluation on the process: the potential and thr drawback (identification)
  • Evaluation on the process : Related instruments analysis and the design
  • Developing related instrument and Evaluation of the process and the interpretation