article writing

  • Explaining RPS
  • Introduction to Article Writing
  • Explaining an Introduction of an article
  • Practicing writing an Introduction of an article
  • Search for and get instructions for writing national and international scientific articles
  • Discuss and practice how to differentiate the writing instructions for each journal
  •  Writing references and quoting from references correctly. Differentiate between plagiarism andnot plagiarism.
  • Explain the differences in content and role of each chapter, sub-chapter in writing articles
  • Understand article writing and its scope
  • Search for and get instructions for writing national and international scientific articles
  • Able to write references and quote from references correctly. Differentiate between plagiarism and plagiarism not plagiarism.
  • Able to write abstracts and titles article Finalize the article into writing that is ready to be sent to the journal
  • Able to write PowerPoint files and posters. Presentation
  • Able to present the results of writing scientific articles in oral or poster presentation form