psikologi pendidikan

  • kontrak belajar
  • The Role of Educational Psychology, Theories for Teaching, Supporting Student Learning
  • Learning, and Teaching, Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive, DevelopmentVygotsky’s Sociocultural Perspective, Implications of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s Theories for Teachers.
  • Self-Concept of AcademicCompetence, Self-Esteem, Kohlberg’s Theories of Moral Development, • Criticisms of Kohlberg’s Theory, Understanding Others and Moral DevelopmentPersonal/Social Development: Lessons for Teachers.
  • Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, multiple Intelligences: Lessons For Teachers,Another View: Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence, Neuroscience And Intelligence ,
  • Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences, multiple Intelligences: Lessons For Teachers,Another View: Sternberg’s Successful Intelligence, Neuroscience And Intelligence ,
  • Students With Learning Disabilities, Student Characteristics, Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities, Lessons For Teachers: Learning Disabilities And ADHD, Students Who Are Gifted And Talented.
  • Motivation in Learning and TeachingWhat Is Motivation?, Needs and Self-Determination, Goals and Goal Orientations,Types of Goals and Goal Orientations,
  • How Do You Feel About Learning? Interests, Curiosity, Emotions, and Anxiety, Reaching Every Student: Coping with Anxiety, Motivation to Learn in School: On Target Lessons for Teachers: Strategies to Encourage Motivation.
  • Managing Learning EnvironmentsThe What and Why of Classroom Management, Creating a Positive Learning Environment,
  • Maintaining a Good Environment for Learning, Dealing with Discipline Problems, What Can Teachers Do? Bullying and Teasing,The Need for Communication,Empathetic Listening, When Listening Is Not Enough: I-Messages, Assertive Discipline, and Problem Sol
  • Teaching Every StudentResearch on Teaching, Characteristics of Effective Teachers,Clarity and Organization,
  • Enthusiasm and Warmth,Knowledge for Teaching, Research on Teaching Strategies,
  • The First Step: Planning, Research on Planning,Learning Targets, Teacher Expectations, Two Kinds of Expectation Effects,Sources of Expectations